Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 06.14.22
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
TOPIC; Natural Remedies for Summer Ailments
On this edition of the Natural Nurse and Dr. Z, the hosts of the program will team up and discuss Natural remedies for summer ailments.
As we enjoy the beautiful weather and the coming summer solstice energy, many of us love spending time outside enjoying the Great Outdoors.
But of course, being outdoors comes with its own share of seasonal issues…. such as sunburn, heat exhaustion, hayfever /allergies, bug bites, Lyme disease, poison ivy, food poisoning, aches and pains /strains and sprains from yard work or hiking, and a host of other maladies.
But thankfully, Mother Nature has given us a natural medicine chest full of incredible non-toxic remedies to assist you and your loved ones with many of these conditions.
Dr. Eugene Zampieron, a licensed naturopathic physician and herbalist, and Ellen Kamhi , The Natural Nurse®, will focus on homeopathic remedies and other natural approaches to keep you healthy, safe and enjoying the great outdoors during this joyful, sunny season. So please join us!!
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 06.07.22
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Guest: Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director of Organic & Natural Health Association
Topic: Warnings for the Natural Products Industry
Karen Howard, CEO and Executive Director of Organic & Natural Health Association has spent more than 30 years working with Congress, state legislatures and healthcare organizations to develop innovative healthcare policy and programs. During her tenure at American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, she built a sustainable infrastructure, significantly improved financial performance, established a strong federal presence and supported multiple state association advocacy efforts for licensure. Karen will share some of the challenges now facing both the Naturopathic and Nutraceutical industries , in continuing to offer natural supplements and therapies for the many individuals who choose to use this path of healthcare.
Tuesday May 31, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 05.31.22
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Guest: Sarah Lobisco, ND, IFMCP
Topic: Essential Oil Therapy
Sarah Lobisco, ND, IFMCP is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM). She is licensed in Vermont as a naturopathic doctor and has earned her certification in functional medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM). Dr. LoBisco also holds a Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo and an Applied Kinesiology certification.
She is a speaker on integrative health, has several publications, and does independent contracting or companies regarding supplements, nutraceuticals, essential oils, and medical foods. Dr. LoBisco currently incorporates her training as a naturopathic doctor and functional medicine practitioner through writing, teaching, private practice, and through her independent contracting work. She maintains her private wellness consultation practice through virtual consultations. Dr. LoBisco also enjoys continuing to educate and empower her readers through her blogs and social media.
Contact: https://dr-lobisco.com/
Essential Oil Database
Tuesday May 17, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 05.17.22
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Guest: George Bentley
George Bentley is an expert author, attorney, certified aging-in-place specialist, and consumer advocate.
He has conducted extensive research into cutting edge health, longevity, anti-aging, and safety technologies.
George is the author of THE JOY OF BATHING, and
his new book, “Thrive Now: How to Die Young at an Old Age”.
George is convinced the technology currently exists to greatly slow or eliminate many of the life shortening conditions, we refer to in the US as “degenerative” or “age related”. He is considered one of the nation’s leading authorities on the use of Medical Hydrotherapy.
Contact: http://www.georgebentley.com/
Tuesday May 10, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 05.10.22
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Joshua Rosenthal, MD
TOPIC: Mitochondrial Health Prescription
CONTACT for Public: www.quantumlifewellness.com
email help@quantumlifewellness.com
Dr. Josh is a dual Board Certified Sleep Physician and Head and Neck Specialist who is dedicated to health and wellness. After a decade of seeing patients get sicker, he used his curiosity to search for explanations. To his surprise, he found publications in the world of biophysics to contain the body’s divine secrets and then began to become an expert in his understanding of circadian biology, mitochondrial medicine, light/photonics and the amazing properties of water. In this regard, he had to unlearn a model of holding off disease and relearn a model of building wellness. The result was the understanding of how to build quantum coherence in the electromagnetic human body down to the cellular and subcellular levels. He incorporates lifestyle therapies as well as various high level mitochondrial therapies to help clients recover from their symptoms.
The doctor is available as a consultant and educator in the wellness space. His unique MitoCircadian approach utilizes circadian biology, quantum physics, heliotherapy, chronotherapy, photobiomodulation, epigenetics and mitochondrial medicine to allow an integrative wellness approach that addresses the most foundational levels of wellness.
Tuesday May 03, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 05.03.22
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Host: Dr. Eugene Zampieron
Guest: Steven H. Horne, RH(AHG)
TOPIC: Strategies for Health, a compressive guide to natural healing
Short Intro Bio:
Steven Horne, Rh(AHG) is an internationally recognized herbalist, iridologist, and natural healer. A professional member and past-president of the American Herbalists Guild and a Certified Comprehensive Iridology Instructor, Steven’s passion for helping people has lead him to write and teach about natural health for over 40 years. He is the co-author of Modern Herbal Dispensary, a popular book on herbal medicine-making, and the author of Strategies for Health, a compressive guide to natural healing.
Contact: Visit my website stevenhorne.com and sign up for my free herbal newsletter
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 04.26.22
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Guest: Alena Butkevica, MD, DMD, Ph.D
Topic: A facial Surgeons Scientifically-based approach to Skin Care
Alena Butkevica, MD, DMD, Ph.D has over 20 years of experience in oromaxillofacial surgery which enabled her to develop a deep understanding of human physiology. Dr. Butkevica is A relentless researcher and an expert in pursuing new medical findings. Dr Butkevica believes “Nature provides us with the resources to promote vitality and longevity – and they’re available to everyone. “ She combines ancestral knowledge of ancient cultures with a scientific approach to support health and longevity, especially as it relates to skin health.
Contact: https://www.abbio.io/
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 04.19.22
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Guest: Justin Bethoney, NP- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Topic: The Mental Wellness Diet- Ancient Wisdom, Evolving Science, Modern Day Options
Justin Bethoney, NP, Graduated from Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions and operates a private practice as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. He services both children and adults for psychiatric medication management and therapy in the outpatient setting. Justin’s practices primarily focuses on those who are functional (working, attending school) but suffering with emotional distress (anxiety, mood disorders, ADHD). In his book, The Mental Wellness Diet- Ancient Wisdom, Evolving Science, Modern Day Options , Justin shares his experiences along with scientific proof, that “if we feed our brain the nutrients it craves, we well be better able to feel and function at our best.”
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 04.12.22
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
GUEST: Sandra Lee, Analytical Testing Expert, Host of “Going Beyond Testing” Podcaster
Topic: Analytical Testing to Support Health
Sandra Lee is a Chemist and Scientist. As a University of Michigan graduate and scientist, Sandra one of the few female CEOs in the analytical testing industry. She has a passion for chemistry and how it influences multiple aspects of our daily lives. Sandra has worked in many scientific roles at both Cardinal Health and Pfizer where she recognized the importance of uncompromising quality through chemistry, not only from the company’s perspective, but also from the consumer’s perspective of product safety and public health needs. Although COVID has brought more attention to the importance of rapid at-home tests, there are other important at home tests to consider. Such as how to select the most accurate tick test and why “going beyond testing” using a new DNA-based method to test for the presence of pathogens with high specificity is important. Sandra Lee is CEO of NJ Labs. To get TICK TEST KITS: www.ticksure.com
Twitter: @NJ_Labs https://twitter.com/NJ_Labs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NJ-Labs-103731547737016/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nj.labs/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nj-labs/
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandraleeatnjl/
Website: http://www.njlabs.com
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
The Natural Nurse and Dr. Z - 04.05.22
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Ran Knishinsky
Ran Knishinsky holds an MBA from Arizona State University. He has been studying the science of consuming clay for more than 30 years.
Ran has worked in both the naturopathic and allopathic medicine industries, first as the owner of a homeopathic dispensary and later as a consultant and marketing executive in the hospital and pharmaceutical sectors. He is the author of several books, including Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine, and The Prozac Alternative. Today we will be discussing his book, Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to the Earths Oldest Natural Remedy.
Contact: www.detoxdirt.com
Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to the Earths Oldest Natural Remedy.
Explores the Science and History behind Eating Clay and Explains How it can be Used for , Protection, and Nutritional Supplementation
An exceptional detoxification agent, clay has been ingested as a traditional remedy and nutritional supplement throughout the world for thousands of years. It is still eaten on a daily basis by more than 200 cultures worldwide for better digestion, internal protection, and overall
well-being.In this revised and expanded edition of The Clay Cure, Ran Knishinsky explores the science and history behind eating clay, citing many clinical studies on the beneficial effects of clay consumption and revealing that clay eating is neither a crazy nor an aberrant behavior. He details how clay can be used as a protectant and detoxificant. He explains how clay is naturally absorbent and extremely gentle on the system and reveals how it’s safe to use, even during pregnancy. He also explores the newest scientific research around its detoxifying properties, antibacterial and antiviral effects, its potential use in obesity, and its role in the treatment of a handful of gastrointestinal conditions.
The author examines the extraordinarily rich mineral content of clay and its benefits throughout the body. He details how to select the appropriate type and form of clay, when to consume, and
how to purchase a high-quality clay product. Revealing how eating clay can truly benefit your health, this practical guide details everything you need to know about healing with Earth’s oldest natural remedy.